En ce moment


    The video live stream from Benghazi or Webradio Libya, you choose

    Libya: 5 direct sources to follow the revolution

    Par Jacques Torrance

    In Libya, the revolution is live on the Internet since Friday. Follow the movement thanks to direct sources, from the ground, broadcasting live or through Youtube or Twitter accounts.

    1 Live Stream video from Benghazi (Arabic / English)

    The best URL to follow the revolution live. The young man broadcasts from the last floor of a house in Benghazi, the city where the major events occured He summarizes what’s he’s been told from the ground. 2,000 people are connected to the live stream (video + chat).

    BBC and CNN journalistes are also on the chat. Called by CNN, the young man has explained that other IT guys were already ready to take over his job if he was killed. (watch the video of the live stream and on CNN here->).

    Link : Live Stream Benghazi

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    2 Libya webradio (Arabic / English/ French)

    Hosted by blog-video (a StreetPress’ partner), Libya webradio broadcasts since friday afternoon on this French website which is nos censored by Libyan authorities. Blog-video offers a chat and an audio stream. Here you can find news and links, even though some links are not always relevant.

    Journalists from the big networks (CNN, MSNB…) are also connected to the chat, looking for some testimonies. However having a conversation on the chat is not so easy.

    Link: Libya Webradio

    3 Libya17feb.com blog(English)

    The blog provides a direct access to photo and video sources, and to some eyewitness. For the videos , the bloggers tell where and when it happened. There is an interesting live blogging from Tripoli , for saturday.
    The blog helps understand better the issues of the movement, thanks to translations of videos into English .

    Link: Libya17feb.com blog

    4 ShababLibya Twitter account(English)

    Shabablibya twitter account is created by young Libyans who say take their inspiration from their Egyptian neighbours. The twitter feed gives *most of the news on the ground and the Libyan events are #Libya and #Feb17 .

    Link: ShababLibya on Twitter

    5 Al Jazeera live blog for the fact-checked news (English)

    If Al Jazeera has no reporters in Libya, she has got interesting testimonials through the phone. Al Jazeera journalists follow Twitter and Youtube and provide a precious often updated summary on the events.

    Linl: Al Jazeera Live Blog

    Watch also the Benghazi Live Stream host being interviewed live on CNN:

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